Monday 2 July 2012

10 Things I Tell Myself Everyday

I am a big fan of lists and even keep an internal list of Things I Tell Myself Everyday:
  1.  I may be two sizes bigger than when I was 16, but I am happier now.
  2. Always wear matching underwear NO MATTER WHAT - I might get hit by a bus.
  3. I will be a better mum tomorrow.
  4. Write it down, then it will get done.
  5. You may call it scruffy, I call it shabby chic.
  6. I am lucky to have such a wonderful family.
  7. It doesn't matter that I only have time to put on eyeliner before stepping out the front door, I am blessed to have such good skin.
  8. Remember Paul McKenna's four golden rules to eating.
  9. Shopping on eBay isn't real shopping.
  10. It's ok that I dress better than other mummies. I'm only 29 and they're just jealous.
What would be on your list?


  1. 1. As long as your toilet is clean and your cooker top is clean, nothing else matters.
    2. There are 10 million people in Hong Kong that have it worse than you.
    3. Smile at a stranger, it makes their day.
    4. And my main mantra is: if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!!!

  2. Thanks Carol, I soo agree with your first one!
