Wednesday 19 September 2012

The Snail Mail Revolution

I've always been a big fan of writing letters and sending cards to my nearest and dearest, it's like a hug in an envelope. There is no better feeling than receiving post that isn't a bill or a piece of junk mail, but a heart felt 'howdy' from a friend. To think that that person took the time out to sit down and write to you, is lovely, and so much more personal than reading an email or a text.

Handwritten letters from loved ones are saved, re-read, and carried about. It’s just not the same printing out a typed email to tuck under your pillow!

Life can get hectic, I seem to have so much going on at the moment that seeing everyone is a bit of a struggle. There are a lot of wonderful people in my life that unfortunately live far away, and they all deserve a nice, handwritten piece of love. 

I expect I'm not alone in feeling like this. So I put this to you, find ten spare minutes in your day to sit down with a cup of tea and let your friends know that you are thinking of them with a handwritten letter.

Let's bring back the art of writing a good letter and let snail mail glide again. Viva la revolution!